About Us
Vision, Who's Who, Charles Kingsley's CE School
A CofE Church in Eversley, North Hampshire, part of the benefice of Darby Green and Eversley, with strong connections to Charles Kingsley's CE Primary School.
Welcome to St Mary's CofE Church in Eversley.
You're very welcome to have a look around and to join us for one of our services or activities that we have week by week.
If you need further information or have a question, don't hesitate to Contact Us.
Unless the Lord builds the house, its builders labour in vain.
Diversity of Worship
We will look at all the ways people worship God, from the traditional to the contemporary, and invest in creating opportunities for people of all ages and backgrounds to meet with God.
We will survey our community to find out what will help people find and grow in their faith. This could include:
- Mid-week services
- Sunday services
- Traditional services
- Holy Communion in different forms
- Cafe Church
- Diddy Disciples
- Church in different places e.g. Eversley Village Hall and Bramshill Mission Chapel or outside
- Small groups
We will listen to the answers and to God, and act upon what we hear.
A Visible Presence in the Community
We will work to better integrate church and village life to help people see the relevance of church today, aiming to meet the diverse needs of our community. We will:
- Work more closely with organisations which form part of our community, e.g.
- Continue to work with smaller groups, businesses, pubs and charities.
Be open to partnerships with groups from outside the village, to have a positive impact on the village
community, e.g.
- Vision 4 Youth
- Men's Sheds
- Yelabus
- Hart Foodbank
- Rural Transport Group
- and others
- Create opportunities to bring different generations together.
A Sustainable Future
We will enhance our community and buildings for future generations, securing the best of the past to serve the needs of the future. Part of this work will include:
- Restoring and renewing our Grade 1 listed building
- Enhancing the welcome and hospitality of our worship facilities
- Developing our hall facilities for wider community use
- Using the Eco-church framework to help us manage and utilise our green spaces and other resources
- Building a sustainable financial future for the church
- Rev. Faith Bailey
- Vicar
- Rev. Rachel Hartland
- Associate Priest
Lay Ministers/Workers
- Jane Hughes
- Licensed Lay Minister
Church Officers
- Tim Ellis
- Churchwarden
Parochial Church Council
- Rev. Faith Bailey
- Rev. Rachel Hartland
- Tim Ellis
- Jane Hughes
- Amanda Clark
- Niell Becker
- Susan Brooker
- Martin Clark
- Sharon Brooker
- Mick Hibble
- Mark Newman
We have a very active and close relationship with Charles Kingsley's CE School.
Clergy and lay members of our church help each week to lead Collective Worship, either individually or as part of our Open the Book team through a nationally recognised scheme for telling Bible stories, produced by the Bible Society and acted out by local people.
At key points in the year, such as:
- Founders Day
- Harvest
- Christmas
- Easter
the whole school, or a part of it, walks to St Mary's for Collective Worship, welcoming parents to witness the children lead worship under the guidance of their teachers. The school choir and senior teachers, also help to lead Sunday worship on the 1st Sunday in Advent.
The children also lay a wreath on Remembrance Sunday.
Both clergy and some other lay members of our church support the school as Foundation Governors, and some share with parents of all denominations in the school Prayer Group that meets half-termly.
We are currently working with the leadership of the school to explore in what further ways the mission of the church to the local community can be linked with the way the school works with people living in the area.
What is it?
A church’s Electoral Roll is the register of its voting members; it is a list of those qualified to attend and to vote at the Annual Parochial Church Meeting (APCM).
The APCM is where the elections take place for the Parochial Church Council (PCC) and the parish's representatives on the Deanery Synod.
Who can be on the Electoral Roll?
Baptised adults (over 16 years) who live in the parish, or who have worshipped regularly at St Mary's for at least
six months and are committed to being part of the life of the local Church of England congregation.
see [1] below for full eligibility
Why join?
Enrolment is a way of saying “I belong”. For us it is an act of commitment to St Mary's and the church as a whole. It opens the way for a greater involvement in the life of the church at parish, deanery, diocesan and national levels.
As a voting member you can help to ensure that the PCC, the Deanery Dynod, the Diocesan Synod, and the General Synod are fully representative of its members. This provides an opportunity for partnership between bishops, clergy and the congregation in the life of the Church, to enable church people at every level to be in touch with the Church as a whole and to have their say in all aspects of church life, including its doctrine and services.
Did you know?
Electoral roll returns are one of the key indicators monitored by the national church when allocating clergy across
the length and breadth of the UK.
How do I join?
Complete the Electoral Roll Application Form and return it to:
- Iris Scammells
- 01252 873503
Each year we try to support a mix of international, national and local charities.
Some we support via a special service, for example the Remembrance Sunday collection goes to the Royal British Legion, while others might be a special appeal, such as the Disaster Emergency Committee.
Charities we supported in 2019
- International
- National
- Bibles for Charles Kingsley's School Leavers
- Hart Foodbank
- Causeway (who meet at St. Peter's, Yateley) and the work of the charity Count Everyone In that support them
Ivan Tumusiime, our Sponsored Child
Ivan Tumusiime, who was born 29th April 2003 and lives in Uganda, is the child we have sponsored through Compassion UK.
Ivan lives under the care of his mother. His home duties include washing clothes, carrying water and helping out in the kitchen. There are 4 children in the family.
For fun, Ivan likes playing house, playing hide and seek and playing ball games. He attends Sunday School and Church regularly. He also attends school.
Please remember Ivan in your prayers and pray that he is well and happy. Your love and support will help him to receive the assistance he needs to grow and develop.
If you would like to write to Ivan, please contact Jane Hughes who has special paper. I'm sure he would love to hear from some of us!
The Children's Society
We support the Children's Society through the Christingle Services held on Christmas Eve. Tescos supplied the oranges to make the Christingles, so our thanks go to them. The donations received by the Children's Society enable it to make a real and practical improvement in the lives of children.
Sian 12 tells us:
Our house was dirty, there was no food and dad was drunk. The Children's Society helped. I mean really helped. Life is so different now.
16-year-old Emma has walking difficulties:
Other children say I'm different. They call me names. They think that because I can't walk properly I don’t understand. The Children's Society helps me feel better about myself. They talk to me about what I want to do. They helped me find work in a pet shop. I love it! I feel so happy about the future.
Lorna came to the Children's Society when she and her children became destitute:
The Children's Society has helped us so much with food, clothing, getting support and if I just need to talk to somebody ... whatever we need. I've started to think that maybe things will work out.