Contact Us
Clergy, Safeguarding Officer, Map, Contact Form
How to get in touch with us.
Main Contacts
- Rev. Faith Bailey
- Vicar
- 07949 839185
- Every day except Friday
- Rev. Rachel Hartland
- Associate Priest
- 0771 794 2669
- Every day except Wednesday, Saturday
Church Administration
- Amanda Clark
- Parish Administrator
- Tim Ellis
- Churchwarden
- 01252 409169
Lay Staff
- Jane Hughes
- Licensed Lay Minister
- 07867 665046
Safeguarding Officer
- Amanda Clark
- 07857 965 506
- Rev. Faith Bailey
- 07949 839185
- Every day except Friday
Associate Priest
- Rev. Rachel Hartland
- 0771 794 2669
- Every day except Wednesday, Saturday
- Jane Hughes
- 07867 665046
Bell Ringers
- Alan Barsby
- 07871 106441
Church Archives/History
- Amanda Clark
Church Bookings
- Tim Ellis
- 01252 409169
Church Hall Bookings
- Tim Ellis
- 01252 409169
Church Records
- Amanda Clark
Cleaning Rota
- Amanda Clark
- Rev. Faith Bailey
- 07949 839185
- Every day except Friday
Creation Cafe
- Rev. Faith Bailey
- 07949 839185
- Every day except Friday
Electoral Roll Officer
- Iris Scammells
- 01252 873503
Flower Arrangers
- Susan Brooker
- 07836 504125
Foodbank Centre Lead
- Jane Hughes
- 07867 665046
Funeral Arrangements & Interment of Ashes
- Rev. Faith Bailey
- 07949 839185
- Every day except Friday
Gift Aid & Envelope Scheme
- Susan Brooker
- 07836 504125
Hart Foodbank
- Hart Foodbank
- 07926 806256
House Groups
- Jane Hughes
- 07867 665046
Lunch Club
- Tim Ellis
- 01252 409169
Messy Church
- Jane Hughes
- 07867 665046
Open the Book
- Jane Hughes
- 07867 665046
Parish Administrator
- Amanda Clark
PCC Treasurer
- Niell Becker
- 0118 973 3496
Prayer Requests
- Rev. Faith Bailey
- 07949 839185
- Every day except Friday
Safeguarding Officer
- Amanda Clark
- 07857 965 506
Services Rota
- Tim Ellis
- 01252 409169
The Story of Eversley Church
- Amanda Clark
- Rev. Faith Bailey
- 07949 839185
- Every day except Friday
Web-site Administrator
- Michael Hughes
- 07881 861 431
- Iris Scammells
- 01252 873503
Winchester Cathedral Tickets
- Amanda Clark